Holy Week

Holy Week begins with Palm Sunday and Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, builds through Good Friday, and culminates on Easter Sunday.

Neighborhood Egg Hunt
March 23, 10am @ Fouts Park

We are excited to invite the neighborhood to join us at Fouts Park for an Easter Egg Hunt for kids 10 and younger and their accompanying adults.

Palm Sunday
March 24, 5pm Evening Worship Service

Palm Sunday recalls the historical event of Jesus riding into Jerusalem and being hailed as king by the crowds. When Jesus proved to be a very different kind of king than they were expecting, the cheering crowds were replaced by jeering crowds crying out for his crucifixion. Less. Than. One. Week. Later.

How quickly our allegiances shift! How fickle our hearts!

Palm Sunday is sobering by reminding us that we are called to be disciples of the Jesus who actually is, not mere fans of the Jesus we make in our image.

So come, let us worship the King of kings together. Let us enter into holy week with a new self-awareness that given the same circumstances, we are just as desperate for forgiveness, reconciliation, and resurrection as those who watched the Lord of Life, die for the world.

Good Friday
March 29, 7pm Evening Service

Part of celebrating the Resurrection well on Easter Sunday, is recognizing that resurrection was necessary only because Jesus died on Good Friday.

Tenebrae means “shadows” and in this service we will gradually extinguish lights and candles as we recount the final seven words of Jesus.

Join us for this solemn service as we tell the story of Jesus’ Passion in the form of Scripture reading, song, and responsive readings. The hope is that we will have a greater appreciation for why Jesus went to the cross (for our sin and the sin of the world) and a greater sense of anticipation for celebrating his resurrection and looking forward to ours! 

Sunrise Service
March 31, 7am @ Boulevard Park next to the play structure

This year we get to join together with First Baptist Church at 7am to celebrate Jesus, the Risen Lord! 

Easter Sunday
March 31, 5pm Evening Worship Service

Join us in celebrating the resurrection of Jesus!

We will meet at 5pm at 1419 N Forest Street on Easter Sunday, April 9th, to celebrate through song, prayer, retelling the story in Scripture, and by sharing in Communion together.

**For this special service, children will be invited to participate in the entire worship gathering.**