
Chris Eltrich

What do you do at LSCC?
I have the privilege of pastoring LSCC. Starting back in September of 2008, a small group commissioned and sent from Bellingham Covenant Church began praying and dreaming about planting a church in the Lettered Streets neighborhood.  We launched weekly worship gatherings on Easter of 2009 and I’ve been pastoring LSCC ever since.
What do you enjoy most about your role?      
Three things instantly come to mind:
1) I love to see people grow in Christ through using their gifts and talents within the church and, maybe even more exciting, seeing how God is using them in their areas of vocation.
2) I love studying, and proclaiming the good news of Jesus through preaching the Scriptures.
3) I love pastoring.  That is, walking with people through the ups, downs, and sacred transitions in life.  I count it as a humbling and sacred privilege to pastor.

Jen Milsten
Youth Director

When did you start in your position @ LSCC?
I began my adventure as the LSCC Children’s Director the summer of 2015 and in the summer of 2024 transitioned to Youth Director.
What do you do at LSCC?
Officially I am the Youth Director, but unofficially I get to be a big Sister in Christ and walk beside my younger siblings as they encounter God in new and amazing ways!
What’s something you love about (serving at) LSCC?
We are the body of Christ in motion.  No part is greater than another, but all parts are vital for us to function.  I love the various perspectives of life and the Lord.  My faith and understanding of God is fuller because of the beautiful differences united in our faith.
What’s your favorite Ice Cream flavor?
Homemade guacamole, garden fresh pico de gallo, and Juanita’s Tortilla chips beat out any ice cream flavor.
Are you a dog-person or a cat-person?
Dog for sure.
What’s your favorite book?
Depends on the day.
Tell us about your family.
My husband Jeff is a fire fighter on Bainbridge Island, but currently attending Harborview’s Paramedic School.  I have 3 radically different kids- Finley, Deklan, and Cora.  We love to play outside together- riding bikes, camping in Poppy, and finding adventure.  Legos are also a constant uniting factor in our home.

Dan Trulson

Middle School Cohort Facilitator

What do you do at LSCC?
I am the Middle School Cohort coordinator. I get to hang out with the MSC and discuss sermons, the Bible, questions about life and so on.

When did you start in your position @ LSCC?
I started this role in 2022 but I’ve been working with most of these kids since 2021.

What do you enjoy most about your role?
I’ve really enjoy watching them grow up and building individual relationships with each kid and watching their relationships with each other blossom.

What are some of your hobbies?I play and coach hockey, which is my favorite hobby. 

Are you a dog-person or a cat-person?
I’m a cat person at heart, but love the dog we have and miss the cats we don’t.

What’s something most people don’t know about you?
Most people don’t know that I’ve been skydiving 3 times. Do yourself a favor and do it! Best feeling in the world

What’s your favorite book?
My favorite book is Enders Game. 


Sarah Lawlor

Toddler Room Coordinator

When did you start in your position at LSCC?
August 2017
What do you do at LSCC?
Toddler Room Coordinator
What’s something you love about (serving at) LSCC?
This is the age where the seed of what church is and looks like begins to grow into a more interactive and connective piece. Not only does she get to make sure toddlers feel welcome and excited to be there for their interactive lesson, snack and craft time, she also loves being able to support parents who are hungry to be able to sit through a service without the distraction of a wiggly toddler. 

Elizabeth Holland
Administrative Assistant

When did you start in your position @ LSCC?
I originally began in this role in 2013, but took 2 years off while I had toddlers at home. Now I’ve been administrative assistant since 2019.

What do you do at LSCC?
Administrative Assistant

What are some of your hobbies?
When I get the time, I love to participate in community theatre, do jigsaw puzzles, play Broadway songs on piano, or reread Orson Scott Card books.

What’s on your bucket list?
I’d like to live on each of the populated continents for a few months to get a broader view of the diversity of languages and cultures. I’d like to do the Lake Padden Triathlon sometime. I also have a list of theater shows I’d like to be involved in someday.

Tell us about your family.
I have a wonderful, supportive husband named Michael, and two young sons named Theo and Benny. I grew up in Bellingham, so you’ll probably also run into my brother, parents, or cousins if you stay here long!