Serving Together

Neighborhood Cleanup
Skate Park
Egg Hunt Ladies
Alley Cleanup
mop men
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At Lettered Streets Covenant Church we believe our faith should inform our practice therefore, we are seeking ways to be sign-posts pointing to God’s blessing through service in and with our neighborhood, city, and beyond.  We also strive to build community as we serve by joining with other churches, organizations, and individuals.  If you are interested in finding out ways you may get involved in upcoming service opportunities, you can contact us directly and/or checkout our events calendar.

Here are some ways you may get involved on a regular basis:

Bellingham Food Bank
The Bellingham Food Bank serves a vital need in our community by providing nutritious food and household staples to Whatcom County individuals and families in need.  LSCC periodically supports the Food Bank in volunteer projects, food drives, and financial gifts.

Parkview Elementary School
Lettered Streets Covenant church has partnered with Parkview Elementary School since 2008. We have purposed to be a community partner that Parkview can rely on to help support students and their households, encourage teachers and staff, and be flexible in our care depending on emerging needs.

Here are some other organizations doing wonderful things in our community and beyond.