Most Mondays through the school year, at 10am Pastor Chris hosts a School of Prayer gathering for anyone interested in learning to pray.
Read any of the Christian classics and you will see a repeated refrain over the centuries—the saintlier the person, the more they refer to themselves as novices in prayer. We are all students when it comes to prayer and as a student I would like to journey with people who are also interested in learning more about prayer while practicing what we learn.
School of Prayer is a time we gather together, learn about a way of praying (centering prayer, lectio divina, healing prayer, liturgical prayer etc.) and then spend most of our time actually in prayer. This space is open to the whole church and we fully expect occasional drop ins and complete novices. In fact, I am hoping this school of prayer can become a healthy mixture of people who have a long history of prayer walking alongside those who are just getting started.
-Pastor Chris Eltrich
When: Mondays from 10-11am
Where: LSCC building.
Frequency: Monday mornings according to Pastor Chris’ schedule. There is no commitment necessary on your end. We want to create a space where you know you can always come and pray. If you choose to attend, please be there on time as we will often start with a time of important instruction and then silence. Coming in late would be distracting to others.
Please reach out if you have questions. We hope you are able to participate!